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 1. Christopher Young  Divine Gifts   
 2. Troy Willey  Spiritual Gifts - Service Gifts I  Living Stones Community Church 
 3. Anne Bramley  Eat Feed 32: The Gifted Cook-Food games and trivia; cocoas, ports, and puddings; gifts from small farmers and for small farmers; homemade gifts from the kitchen  Eat Feed 
 4. Pastor David Delgatty  Gifts from God  Sunday Morning Sermons 
 5. Paul Martin  Gifts   
 6. Mark Crenshaw  Are There Gifts We Don't Need?  UUCA - Sermons and Readings 
 7. Bullette & Hangnail Phillips  The Finest Gifts   
 8. Bullette & Hangnail Phillips  The Finest Gifts  Non- Album Track - Holiday 
 9. Patricia Cummings  Simple Gifts   
 10. Pastor Tom Lee  Gifts for the Messenger   
 11. Jeffrey Lee  Wounded Gifts  Wounded Gifts 
 12. Jeffrey Lee  Wounded Gifts  Wounded Gifts 
 13. Craig Ledbetter  Servant Gifts   
 14. Yellowcard  Gifts and Curses  Spiderman 2 OST   
 15. Elizabeth Parcells & Felix Justen  Simple Gifts  Red Letter Day Rehearsal in the Huron City Church 
 16. Yellowcard  Gifts and Curses  Spiderman 2 OST   
 17. Elizabeth Parcells & Felix Justen  Simple Gifts  Red Letter Day Rehearsal in the Huron City Church 
 18. Henry Blackaby  What's So Spiritual About Your Gifts? - I  For Faith & Family Radio 
 19. Henry Blackaby  What's So Spiritual About Your Gifts? - II  For Faith & Family Radio 
 20. BK  Raising Up Our Gifts To God  1 Kings 6; 1 Cor. 12 
 21. Bullette & Hangnail Phillips  The Finest Gifts   
 22. Bullette & Hangnail Phillips  The Finest Gifts   
 23. Should I Drink That - Episode 42  Gifts from the Godfather  shouldidrinkthat.com 
 24. Rev. Catherine Fransson  God Gifts Us With Love  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 25. Rev. Catherine Fransson  God Gifts Us With Love  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 26. The Providence Presbyterian Church Choir  Simple Gifts  Simple Gifts 
 27. Dr. Robert B. Thompson  Pray For Gifts  Copyright, Mount Zion Fellowship 
 28. Scott Owens  The Royal Gifts  Fully Alive - Teaching 
 29. Todd Wilson  The Unity of Gifts  1 Corinthians 
 30. Dr. Stephen Jones  The Contradiction of Gifts  Seattle First Baptist Church 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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